1.Fortunate? Unfortunate? Millennials cannot live better than previous generation.2.For Millennials,

1.Fortunate? Unfortunate? Millennials cannot live better than previous generation.2.For Millennials, | savvyessaywriters.org

1.Fortunate? Unfortunate? Millennials cannot live better than previous generation.2.For Millennials, it is hard to achieve the master status.a.Millennials have the highest unemployment rate.b.Recession–As soon as Millennials graduated from University, many of them becameunemployed.c.3.Strong Ego–Millennials were educated well.Practical Implicationsa.Implications for Millennials themselves-They are not satisfied with their ownascribed status.b.Implications for society-If well-educated and informed Millennials are not satisfiedwith themselves, the social stratification will be worse.4.Evidencea.Millennials have lower job-satisfaction and high employment separation rate.1)2)1)Because they are young, they can be unstable.3)b.Millennials cannot satisfy their goals with current jobs.Millennials are judged impatient, and spontaneous.Nut rage incident of Korean airIt stared from the conflict between the employer and employees, and it shows thesocial stratification.2)3)5.It just happened because of the relationship of employer and employee.It was due to the Korean culture to obey to the Boss.Conclusion.Even though Millennials have got benefited by the technology, they cannot achieve manythings like previous generation.Fottrell, Quentin. (2014). 40% of unemployed workers are Millennials. Retrieved fromhttp://www.marketwatch.com/story/40-of-unemployed-workers-are-millennials-2014-07-03Hays, D. (2014). International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research. Examining Differencesbetween Millennial and All Employee Levels of Job Satisfaction and Importance and SatisfactionwiththeImmediateSupervisorRelationship,2.RetrievedFebruary8,2015,fromwww.arcjournals.orgMacionis, J. (2010). Sociology (13th ed.). Prentice Hall.Park, K. (2014, December 8). Korean Air Chairman’s Daughter Deplanes Crew Over Nuts.Retrieved February 8, 2015, from http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-12-08/koreanair-chairman-s-daughter-deplanes-crew-over-macadamia-nutsWilliams, Ray. (2010). Does income inequality threaten economic and social stability?Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/wired-success/201007/doesincome-inequality-threaten-economic-and-social-stabilityMillennialsMillennialsJung Eun ChoiProfessor Roderick LinzieSOC 100 Introduction to SociologyMarch 2, 20152MillennialsFortunate or Unfortunate? Millennials, are they satisfied?The end of the 1900s, PC, personal computer, have been spread all over the world. Itwas another innovation which has brought the social changes, and Millennials have appeared.Millennials, known as generation Y, or the internet generation (iGen), who are people bornbetween the years of 1980 and 1995 (2015, Urban Dictionary), is the first generation grownplaying with the computer. They have benefited the new era, postindustrial societies which is theproduction of information using computer technology (p.93, Macionis, 2010). Millennials areknowledgeable about technology and learn new technology very quickly. This fortunategeneration indeed lives better than previous generation?These days, it is hard for Millennials to achieve master status. According to Macionis(2010), A master status is a status that has special importance for social identity, often shaping apersons entire life. (p.139) Millennials cannot settle unless they achieve the master status, thekey to direct the whole life. After the subprime loan crisis in 2007, the unemployment rate hasincreased (Bernanke, 2013). According to the Fottrell, a personal finance reporter, 40% ofunemployed workers are Millennials (2013). Also, he adds,Since the recession, the youngest job-hunters are being beaten by the oldest. The numberof jobs held by baby boomers rose by 9% from 2007 to 2013, a gain of 1.9 million jobs,while the millennial workforce only snagged 110,000 jobs, up 0.3%, according to newanalysis by software firm CareerBuilder and labor market data and software firmEconomic Modeling Specialists International.3MillennialsAnother reason why Millennials cannot achieve master status is that they have high self-esteem.They are one of the benefited generations who are educated well after the World War;furthermore, Millennials have educated themselves through the technology which is changingevery day. Therefore, their standard of living is not low.Because of the expectation of the investment of their hard working, Millennials cannotbe satisfied with their current ascribed status. Macionis says that schooling affects bothoccupation and income, since most (but not all) of the better-playing white-collar jobs required acollege degree or other advanced study (p.276, 2010). Also, this problem implies for society, ifwell-educated and informed Millennials could not be satisfied themselves, they will feel thesociety they belong is unequal. By applying social-conflict approach, unequal rewards only serveto divide society, creating haves and have-nots. (p.262, Macionis) If unsatisfied Millennialsthink their have-nots, they will think that the social stratification becomes worse.The evidence of Millennials satisfaction is their low job-satisfaction and highemployment separation rate. Marte, a reporter of Market Watch, reports,Some 78% of baby boomers said they had high job satisfaction, compared with 66% ofGeneration Y workers, according to a survey conducted by PayScale, a compensationdata provider, and Millennial Branding, a Gen Y research company (2013).She also explains that some people may take the part time jobs or position that dont requireddegree to pay back student loans. Some people can insist that Millennials cannot stay one job fora long time because they are impatient and make changes spontaneously. However, like Martesays, some Millennials are working part time job to pay the rent and student loan.4MillennialsThese high educated and lower income Millennials may think about the unfairness of thesociety more than anyone. The United States is supposed to be under the class system, socialstratification based on both birth and individual achievement (p.250, Macionis), but individualachievement is not that worth right now.Millennials are benefited generation. They are well educated by their parents who havegone through the war and great recessions, and based on the previous generations effort,Millennials can be the first generation who are knowledgeable about technology. However, thosebenefit set Millennials expectations high. Millennials are fortunate, but also unfortunate becausethey cannot be satisfied with themselves.5MillennialsBernanke, B. S. (2013). Subprime Mortgage Crisis. Federal reserve history. Retrieved fromhttp://www.federalreservehistory.org/Events/DetailView/55Fottrell, Quentin. (2014). 40% of unemployed workers are Millennials. Market Watch. Retrievedfrom http://www.marketwatch.com/story/40-of-unemployed-workers-are-millennials-2014-07-03Macionis, J. J. (2010). SOC100: Sociology: 2011 custom edition (13th Ed). Upper Saddle River,NJ: Pearson Custom Publishing.Marte, Jonnelle. (2013). Why boomers are happier than millennials at work. Market Watch.Retrieved from http://www.marketwatch.com/story/why-millennials-dont-whistle-whilethey-work-2013-10-24Urban Dictionary. (2015). Retrieved from http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Millenials


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