1. Explain how observed teleconnection patterns can help in the preparation of a seasonal weather fo

1. Explain how observed teleconnection patterns can help in the preparation of a seasonal weather fo | savvyessaywriters.org

1. Explain how observed teleconnection patterns can help in the preparation of a seasonal weather forecast.2.
If the temperature is dropping and the dew point is holding steady,
what is your forecast for the relative humidity? Explain your answer.3.
In what ways are severe thunderstorms different from ordinary cell
thunderstorms? What are some of the meteorological or atmospheric
conditions that favor the development of severe thunderstorms?4.
Where do thunderstorms form most frequently in the US? Why is this the
case? Is this also where most tornadoes occur? Explain.5. The region of greatest tornado activity shifts northward from early spring to summer. Why does this occur?There
are five short-answer questions that are to be answered. These
questions are to be answered thoroughly and short answers that don’t
follow spelling and grammar rules will be penalized. One-sentence
answers will not be sufficient to address the question. Turnitin.com
will be automatically used on all submissions to check for plagiarism as
well, so be sure to cite all sources following APA standards. If the
Turnitin report indicated plagiarism, the assignment will receive a zero
and will be reported to the registar’s office.The
questions to be answered will be listed at the end of this page. When
you have completed answering the questions, please enter them in a
Microsoft Word Document and upload it.


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