1. (a) Using the Murray Loop test, determine the distance to an earth fault on one of the cores of… 1 answer below »

1. (a) Using the Murray Loop test, determine the distance to an earth fault on one of the cores of… 1 answer below » | savvyessaywriters.org

1. (a) Using the Murray Loop test, determine the distance to an earth fault on one of the cores of a uniform three-core underground cable. Ra= 2 ohms,Rb= 1Oand the cable length is 300 m.

(b) If the cable measurement is accurate to ±1% what length of excavation would be required to locate the fault?

  1. A cable run consists of 100 m of 120 mm2three-core cable jointed to 100 m of 240 mm2cable. The ratio of the potentiometer resistances in a Murray Loop test,Rb/(Rb+Ra), is1/3.

    For an earth on one core of the cables, determine the location of the fault.


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