1. A certain quantum state lies 0.1 eV above the chemical potential. At what temperature would…

1. A certain quantum state lies 0.1 eV above the chemical potential. At what temperature would… | savvyessaywriters.org

1. A certain quantum state lies 0.1 eV above the chemical potential. At what temperature would the average number of bosons in this state be

(a) 5,

(b) 0.5,

(c) 0.05?

2. The hydrogen atom is made of two spin-112 particles, a proton and an electron.

(a) When the electron is in an s-orbital (i.e., an orbital with 1 = 0), what are the possible values of the total angular momentum quantum number J for the atom?

(b) When the electron is in an orbital of angular momentum  what are the possible values of the total angular momentum quantum number j for the atom?

(c) The atmosphere of a certain star is atomic hydrogen gas. Would this be a boson or a fermion gas?

(d)  down toward the star's violent interior, the hydrogen atoms are stripped of their electrons. Would the leftover protons be a gas of bosons or fermions? Would the stripped electrons be a gas of bosons or fermions?



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